Friday, November 19, 2010

Ultimo Videos de Sevilla

My last videos from sevilla, headed to a Flamenco club with some new folks after my flight got cancelled, enjoy

Sunday, November 14, 2010

End of an era

This morning I found out that my grandmother died. While it's a sad event in and of itself, bares an additional level of significance.

It signals the end of Samuels surname. My grandparents only had girls, 3 of them to be exact. While my surname might be Dalrymple, I identify more with my maternal side of the family, and felt more in touch with that side of my family.

It was also that side of the family that was the first to come to England during the wind rush years, and is partly why I hold a British passport, and thus am able to live in Sevilla.

My grandparents did a lot for me, not only did they raise me but much of my personality and drive developed as a result of their influence. So I owe them a lot.