Anyways on Monday I got in at 3am after going clubbing @ the Bambuubar, so I took it easy yesterday and had a night in. It was pretty wild and I have to say I enjoyed myself. I went with the londoners from the "7th" Ashley and Billy.
Today is relatively free, I'm not up to much so I'm gonna go Job hunting soon. Gotta make some cash if I wanna eat, That reminds me I need to eat breakfast I'm starving.
An old mate of mine from Secondary school, David contacted me yesterday to tell me that he's coming down here to go to the uni (Well Southampton University at least, there are two you know, Mine and this one). David was a little bit of genius, he's doing aeronautical engineering, which is what I wanted to do, till I discovered it involved heft sums, and as we all know Jon hates math. I think he also got around 300 points which means that he officially wins the "Who's smarter" contest. Clever guy, haven't seen him in years so it will be nice to catch up.

The legendary "Shoot up Hill" in central London. Apt, don't you think, but I wouldn't like to live there imagine putting that on your letters...
123 Shoot up Hill
Sounds like a Drug dealer called Brent, who's representing the NW2 Crew.
Ashley just popped in, we're heading down to the Job center at 1:30 so wish me luck as I try to turn a wage, till another post catch ya later.
Quote of the Day
When we all signed up, we all ticked that box that said "Do you mild living with the opposite sex" right, so what the hell happened.
The moment when we tried to work out why 10 boys got stuck together on the 7th floor
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