Привет, (That's hello in Russian, don't ask me how the hell you say it) Though virtue of being one of the louder members in my class I got the duty of being the classes union rep. First action proposed by my 6'8 counter part, Jonathan, was to go on strike. Yes there's another Jonathan, but hold the press, in fact there's 3 of us in my seminar group alone, and about 5 in the entire course. I'm popular with mum's and dad's around
South Africa and Isle of Wight the world. It's so weird having to call out my own name, to address two different people, who also share the same initials, beat that.
I hate a whole medium pizza from domino tonight, so I'm certainly not starving tonight, infact I'm stuffed. Makes me think about the homeless people outside, their quite friendly. My plan is, when I get a job I'll spend a bit of time with them, Depending on where I work, I might hook them up with the days left overs, must be hard living on the streets, we should always remember to appreciate the fact the we got roofs over our heads, Food and
most importantly for me an internet connection.
I'm still here crying about when my loan will come though so I can buy my
T|X Wifi enabled PDA books for class. I give the nice friendly people over there a call on Monday and try and get it sorted, or at least find out how much longer I will have to wait.
As for me this weekend I have to get my washing done, unlike most people I'm not gonna do the classical thing of dragging back to Hertfordshire, that's more expensive then it's worth. (@ £30-40 appox. round trip) Then i am gonna go to asda and do my shopping for the week
then stab myself for turning into a grown up responsible loser, afterwich i might watch Snatch, never seen it from start to finish.
Also gonna do some homework, this course is hard, so this crap has gotta be done or else, i've already been threatened with being asked to leave the class cause i did the wrong assignment by accident, so the good time charlie crap has gotta stop now,
and i never even got to taste those hash cookies.

Sunday is search for a church and library day, i've start that as a new habit, go to the library on a sunday afternoon, nice and quiet. I'll look at some cases and dream of how i can afford that Ferrari 575 thats in the parking lot that my room overlooks. Theres actually a CLS and a another ferrari, a 360 down their too, i actually live in the Posh/rich
area of the city, which is kinda nice, until you realise that i also share this space with another 2000+ students.

Remember, that freshers ball i went too, and that other imfamous party i went too on monday, well they where both held at a Venue call
"Ikon", well here are two pictures i took when i went there last week, for the freshers ball, both of them where taken when
the world famous Roll deep was on stage. They are crap shots, but hey my phone was like £60, takes nice pictures in day light.

I didn't take any on monday, however though my l33t skill i did obtain this one from a "commrad", use firewalls and anti-virus's please people...

Anyway on that note, talk to you all later, keep the action going in the comments it's nice to pop in their and watch mike defend my "honour" against all of you. Till another time, Мир(Peace in Russian, you know what i'm gonna say...)
Quote of the Day
Teacher "What skills do you think someone would use to take over the world?"
Me "Violence"
G. Khan, Hilter, G.W. Bush, i think theres precident for my opinion